We help people living with dyslexia and related conditions eliminate the frustration, stress and anxiety this can bring, by teaching strategies that enable successful learning.
This gives the person increased confidence and unlocks their potential so they have the freedom to be everything they are capable of being. |
Dyslexic people tend to think primarily in pictures and images rather than the sounds of words
Living with dyslexia can be frustrating and difficult. There is often stress and anxiety in school and the workplace for the dyslexic individual so they turn to coping and covering up strategies to deal with their dyslexic confusions. Long term stress of course, can lead to health problems and sometimes anger and anxiety issues. By changing the way that dyslexia is viewed plus learning techniques to control the confusion and associated feelings of stress, the fear of failure and low self esteem are replaced by increased confidence and the freedom to be all you are capable of in life.
"Dyslexia is not a complexity; it is a series of simple factors which can be dealt with step by step."
Ronald D. Davis, The Gift of Dyslexia
Davis Dyslexia Programmes
Dyslexia CorrectionA 30-hour programme addressing language based learning difficulties.
Maths MasteryFor mastering foundation mathematics and gaining mathematical skills.
Attention MasteryA drug-free approach to help those with ADD/ADHD focus and control energy levels
Reading Programme
Davis Dyslexia Correction
Davis Dyslexia Correction Facilitators offer individual correction programmes for Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, ADD/ADHD, Maths, and Handwriting.
Some educators still focus on what people with dyslexia can't do - process sounds of letters and words and try to get them to do it through repetition and drill. Davis Facilitators focus on what people with dyslexia CAN do - think in three dimensional images and use this natural talent to help them learn. |
" I don’t know where to start to thankyou for helping me. I feel optimistic and calm about tackling reading, writing and expressing my thoughts. You have given me the tools to calm myself.”