Does the Programme work for everyone?
The Davis program has a 97% success rate.
What’s the difference between this programme and what the school is doing or other programmes we’ve tried?
As described, dyslexia is the ability of a picture thinking individual to alter their perceptions. This is a great talent when the person is doing a creative activity. It is when this person’s brain is altering perception when involved in 2D activities such as reading, writing, spelling and maths etc., that the difficulties occur. By showing the dyslexic person the techniques to control their perception, we are dealing with the cause of dyslexia – NOT just the symptoms.
The Davis Program addresses the root cause of the problem and by eliminating the reason the problem exists, we eliminate the problem. The symbol mastery then continues to eliminate confusions with symbols and words. Many other interventions focus on a person's weaknesses, aiming to get these improved. The Davis programme focusses on a person's strengths and uses these to overcome the problem. This is why our clients find it easy.
The Davis Program addresses the root cause of the problem and by eliminating the reason the problem exists, we eliminate the problem. The symbol mastery then continues to eliminate confusions with symbols and words. Many other interventions focus on a person's weaknesses, aiming to get these improved. The Davis programme focusses on a person's strengths and uses these to overcome the problem. This is why our clients find it easy.
How long is the course?
The programme runs for approximately 30 hours, usually from Monday to Friday, although some facilitators time their programmes slightly differently. The final day is spent with the parent or support person to train them in all the techniques required to continue the work at home. The client then comes back for 3 follow-up reviews as required.
Is the dyslexia fixed at the end of the week?
We do not claim to fix dyslexia - we correct dyslexia. This is because there are many talents that come with dyslexia and we want the client to keep those. However, during the week the client will notice changes about themselves and experience success. At the end the programme, the client will understand how to use the tools and techniques to correct their dyslexia and continue the positive change. When all the follow-up work is completed (about 72 hours), then the dyslexia will be corrected. The length of time taken to complete the follow-up work is up to the individual student.
I'm concerned about my child taking a week off school.
If your child has been having difficulties in the classroom and their confidence is taking a battering, a week off school is not going to make any difference to them. The changes to their self-esteem and their abilities at the end of the week will more than make up for a week missed at school. They will find it much easier to catch up on missed work. Usually schools are very supportive of a child who is struggling and happy for the student to take the week to do the programme. Facilitators are happy to answer any queries that the school may have about the Davis programme – both before and after.
Is there any research on this method?
Yes. Here is a link to all the research including the Davis techniques that we know of - www.dyslexia.com/research.
Recent research from Auckland University proves that dyslexics read better with right brain strategies blog.dyslexia.com/research-right-brain-strategies/. The Davis programme uses right brain strategies.
Recent research from Auckland University proves that dyslexics read better with right brain strategies blog.dyslexia.com/research-right-brain-strategies/. The Davis programme uses right brain strategies.
So, what do I do next?
You make a booking for an initial assessment with a Licensed Davis Dyslexia Correction Facilitator to assess the suitability of the client to complete the programme.
For more information about Davis Dyslexia Correction Programmes, click here.
For more information about Davis Dyslexia Correction Programmes, click here.