Maths Mastery Programme
Davis Maths Mastery™ provides tools to correct problems learning maths. These learning problems are sometimes called dyscalculia and can often accompany dyslexia and ADD symptoms.
The Davis approach goes to the root issues that cause some people to have problems understanding and learning maths with traditional teaching methods. Visual-spatial thinkers are often confused by the words and symbols which describe math functions. When the foundation concepts for understanding all mathematics are mastered, learning math becomes easy.
Like Davis Dyslexia Correction®, the first step in Davis Math Mastery is to enable children and adults to control disorientation. The length of a Davis Math Mastery program varies, depending on the needs of the individual. Usually, the Facilitator will schedule 5 to 8 days. Less time may be required if the client has already completed a basic Davis Dyslexia Correction program.
Copyright Davis Dyslexia Association International - Used with permission.