Davis Dyslexia Correction ProgrammeThe Davis programme works alongside the dyslexic’s natural learning style providing a proven method for permanent learning. A Davis facilitator works with learners individually and a typical programme will take around 30 hours of one to one guided work with a licensed facilitator.
An initial assessment is carried out to assess a client's strengths, weaknesses and to establish goals for the programme. The client will then be guided through a programme tailored to their particular needs.
After the initial program it is important that the client continues with the follow up work either at home or with a tutor.
Each day, clients should continue with the koosh ball exercises, the reading techniques and ideally some mastery work with clay.
The clay work does not necessarily need to be done daily but time must be set aside at least once a week to master
the list of trigger words.
Each day, clients should continue with the koosh ball exercises, the reading techniques and ideally some mastery work with clay.
The clay work does not necessarily need to be done daily but time must be set aside at least once a week to master
the list of trigger words.